43rd Annual Spring Fling
Fertile Community Center 101 S Mill St., Fertile, MN, United StatesSpring Fling!! SPEAKERS -- WORKSHOPS -- COFFEE
$20.00 at the door. Come and enjoy a day of fellowship and great speakers brought to you by Dist. 6
This is a learning event that District 1 is putting on for the newcomers and old timers! This is geared for the newcomer as the question is often asked "how do I chair a meeting?" and "when can I chair a meeting?". The Second half is for meeting etiquette, something to help inform all the […]
Workshop & Speaker Meeting/Celebration 401 Group is turning 3!!! Saturday, April 12 Workshop Humility: The Freedom You’re Too Proud to Want 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM with Jason L. (Wauconda, IL) Join us as we explore humility as the avenue to true freedom. Snacks provided! Bring a Big Book, a notebook, and a friend! Speaker […]
Cleaning House: Steps 4-7 Featuring Georgia B Women’s only AA event featuring a speaker from Glendale, CA, schedule and more details can be found on the registration website https://triciabug02.wixsite.com/spiritlift
District 2 Spring Fling! One day round up. Speakers. Workshops. Breakfast, lunch, & banquet. Registration $6.00 Breakfast $6.00 Lunch $9.00 Banquet $9.00
This is District 8 AA's annual regional roundup and will be held at its usual scenic location at Assumption Abbey, Richardton, ND. Committee Chair - Bill F. Co-Chair - Carmen B. Due to facility limitations, registration is limited to 90 attendees. Lunch is optional for $10.00 or on your own. First come, first served, so […]
Camping, Fellowship and AA meetings Food and dorms provided. Bring bedding, beverages and bestie. Accept 7th tradition at meals and items for auction on Saturday.
Watford City Details to be determined
4th annual District 10 picnic and workshop. A great day of fellowship and a workshop focusing on trust in God, a clean house, and helping others. Meat, water, coffee and condiments provided by District 10. Feel free to bring a dish to share!
GAMES - MUSIC - FUN - FELLOWSHIP $10-35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meal tickets will be available for purchase again this year
"Working Together, Increasing Trust"
Why not Minot? Details to be determined
Omaha Details to be determined; Cost unknown
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A.A. Service Event – Assemblies, Roundups, Service workshops and Education sessions offered by Area 52 its District’s and also WCRAA
Group Events – Events and activities sponsored by A.A. Groups and Districts within Area 52
Box 701 – Roundups and Events sponsored by other A.A. Areas within WCRAA – Also events and workshops that are “by A.A.’s, for A.A.’s and about A.A.”
*(May contain links that take you off of this website. Provided as service to readers and not an endorsement by Area 52 – A.A. North Dakota)