District 08

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  3. District 08
Events from this organizer

District 08 Annual Roundup

Assumption Abbey 418 3rd Ave. West, Richardton, ND, United States

This is District 8 AA's annual regional roundup and will be held at its usual scenic location at Assumption Abbey, Richardton, ND. Committee Chair - Bill F. Co-Chair - Carmen B. Due to facility limitations, registration is limited to 90 attendees.  Lunch is optional for $10.00 or on your own. First come, first served, so […]


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A.A. Service Event – Assemblies, Roundups, Service workshops and Education sessions offered by Area 52 its District’s and also WCRAA

Group Events – Events and activities sponsored by A.A. Groups and Districts within Area 52

Box 701 – Roundups and Events sponsored by other A.A. Areas within WCRAA – Also events and workshops that are “by A.A.’s, for A.A.’s and about A.A.”

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