Zion Chapel at Evergreen United Methodist Church

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  3. Zion Chapel at Evergreen United Methodist Church
Events at this venue

District 11 Monthly Open Meeting

Zion Chapel at Evergreen United Methodist Church 1120 Evergreen Ct., Wahpeton, ND, United States

Pot Luck and Speaker Meeting Bring a Dish!  Bring your family!  Bring you!

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A.A. Service Event – Assemblies, Roundups, Service workshops and Education sessions offered by Area 52 its District’s and also WCRAA

Group Events – Events and activities sponsored by A.A. Groups and Districts within Area 52

Box 701 – Roundups and Events sponsored by other A.A. Areas within WCRAA – Also events and workshops that are “by A.A.’s, for A.A.’s and about A.A.”

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