This is District 8 AA’s annual regional roundup and will be held at its usual scenic location at Assumption Abbey, Richardton, ND.
Committee Chair – Bill F.
Co-Chair – Carmen B.
Due to facility limitations, registration is limited to 90 attendees. Lunch is optional for $10.00 or on your own. First come, first served, so please register early.
Come see us at the historic Assumption Abbey with its amazing architecture and fantastic views of the prairie.
Do you have an event to add? Please click this link:
A.A. Service Event – Assemblies, Roundups, Service workshops and Education sessions offered by Area 52 its District’s and also WCRAA
Group Events – Events and activities sponsored by A.A. Groups and Districts within Area 52
Box 701 – Roundups and Events sponsored by other A.A. Areas within WCRAA – Also events and workshops that are “by A.A.’s, for A.A.’s and about A.A.”
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